On your time. In your space.

(You Need a Kit!!!)

Need Seed Money To Patent This Product.
A Billion Dollar Industry

Industry Changing Products - Will Change Condom Industry Forever
8 New Products That Currently Do Not Exist


1. Modern Version Condom - Citizens with running water and access to hygiene - It is a 4 compartment
packet which contains a man and woman's condom plus towelettes and lubricant as described in introduction below.

2. Trio - A man and woman's condom and lubricant in a 3-compartment packet. I think this is the one
most manufacturers want to produce - It is also needed to manufacture what is now called the "Refugee"
version. Again, please read into below.

3. Refugee Condom Kit - Citizens with no access to clean water or hygiene. In this kit we put the
Trio described above in a one compartment packet with a towelette or wet towel. Please see optional design in intro below.

4. Single S-- Male Trio - one male condom towelette and lubricant in a 3-compartment packet

5. Single S-- Female Condom Trio - one female condom towelette and lubricant in a 3-compartment packet

6. Condom Kit (low tech kit) This kit has 4 individual packets. A man's condom, woman's condom,
towelettes and a lubricant packet. Then we put all packets in a final packet. We think our competitors will
come out with this first as soon as they see our new products.

7. Trio - (low tech version) This kit includes a man's condom, woman's condom and lubricant in single
packets then put all together in one final packet.

8. Alternative Kit - One male condom. one 8 by 8 sheet of latex or
cling wrap type of material - both sides must be distinguished, two towelettes and lubricant.


"You Don't Need a Condom - You Need A Kit"

The Problem is you just have half an aids prevention program

This is what a kit would be
American or modern version - (Citizens with running water and hygiene)
It is a packet a little bit bigger than a regular size male condom but thicker. It includes a male condom
in one layer. The next layer you have a female condom. It must have an extra wide lip that your partner pulls up
on to have oral. Without this lip the woman's condom is useless. The purpose of oral is not to digest
your partners bodily fluids. Another layer you have two wet towels or towelettes different in color or pattern
so they can be distinguished. You don't want to accidently use your partners wet towel after they used it. You can
also make a double in size towelette that has a perforated line in the middle that tears in half. The last
layer you have edible or water based lubricant thick enough, so it won't come out until you squeeze it with your thumb.
Condom to condom you need lubricant, or they will quickly falter because there is no longer any natural lubrication.
You open the packet at the tear line and all compartments are exposed. The lubricant has a small opening at the tear.
The African Version (Citizens without running water or hygiene)
Basically this kit is specifically for African nations that don't have running water or hygiene. You may
call it the refugee version. We're hoping that the popularity of the wet towels is going to make these kits a big hit.
A quick way to clean or freshen up morning, noon and evening and try to make these citizens carry these kits
if not for the wet towels and that's what we want, to try to make citizens carry them for any reason we can,
day or night. The problem is, unlike the American or modern version we can't have children in aids stricken
communities opening up condoms in school to get cleaned up for lunch but they're going to have to be a part of
their life if they're going to survive and get out of this dilemma. The other issue is the cost of these kits.
To be practical they can't just throw away the rest of the contents and remember when you open up the modern
version all compartments are exposed. The African version must be packaged differently. We package a male condom,
a woman's condom and lubricant (three layers) in one packet and put this trio inside another packet that
includes a wet towel. The trio could also be in one compartment of a two-compartment packet with the towelette
in the other. When you open it, the wet towel is exposed but the trio inside is still intact and since
their worth money we don't think it will be thrown away. The elders can give them to their husband,
wife or children every morning and they will bring the trio home and trade it for a new kit. Just because the
consumer of the African or refugee version are impoverished doesn't mean manufacturers can skimp on the product
in other words the way that the box looks, the fragrance and size of the towelettes and taste or after taste
of the condoms is very important to make these kits successful and it might be better to do surveys and
let their small communities dictate the product , not their income. These kits are costlier
than single male condoms. You can also make your own kits - put condoms, towelettes,
lubricant, perfume or cologne samples available
online in sandwich bags. Personalize your own kits and have them ready so all you have to do is grab one
before you go out. These kits would be obsolete from the get-go. Couples might not take the time to open all
these packets but until kits come out this is the best bet. These kits can also be used by same sex couples
but it will take one kit each.
The woman's condom comes in all shapes and sizes including panty condoms.
No one knows what a woman's condom is supposed to look like. This might be the reason they're not stocked at most major retail
chains and some pharmacies not because of negligence. Woman might have to ask the pharmacist if they carry them
in front of other customers if they can't find them on the shelf and that's not fair to the consumer.
People with infectious diseases have to tell their would-be partners and there's a lot of heart break.
It's not easy doing it over and over. Most will not tell you anything. There needs to be a subscription condom
certified for use against aids so the victim will have a tool they can use to convince there would be partner
that it's certified against aids and have a chance at a normal relationship. Also, they might need a subscription
to pay for the condoms because an active couple might use three kits in one session and that can be expensive
and if they can't afford them without a prescription they might not be used even if they have a sexually
transmittable disease. I really think these
kits will modernize the condom industry and get consumers to use them
5% to 7% more but a goal could be 15% .
There's a fine line in teaching s-- education at schools. They can tell a man how to put on a condom,
but if they teach how to have better s-- the teacher becomes under scrutiny and the lawyers start showing up.
Until now. To cross the line all they have to do is read the new directions which says
"When the male condom reservoir or woman's condom becomes full
or over lubricated its time
for both partners to change their condoms
and you will immediately get all the friction back"
We have erased that fine line.

A good sales slogan can be
"It takes two - condoms that is" or
"I have mine - Wears yours - Oops.

Please Advocate for This New Product

Contact Inventor - Stay Fresh Condoms (stayfreshcondoms.com)
Brian Miner (Editor)
Businessrocks.com and thetradesman.org
2616 Charles Street Fredericksburg Virginia 22401
1-540-379-1833 investors@stayfreshcondoms.com

There is no product that requires a two, three or four compartment packet at this time.

An offshoot of this product can be giant wet towels large enough to wet a large soldier's entire body.
The package and towelettes can be camouflage inside and out.

How This Product Was Invented Short Form
I was watching TV one Sunday morning and a journalist was interviewing a couple who lived in a homemade kluge or shelter made of debris
in a very modest village. The couple were literally on their last days on earth. Stricken with AIDS they told their story.
It was an excellent piece of journalism and camera work. The two children were going about their daily routine
of taking care of their bedridden parents. One parent died the next day after the interview.
It was so inspiring and devastating that by the time the show was over I had
the beginning of a new product. Why won't they wear condoms knowing that they will get AIDS. They have simply given up.
I came up with the name Stay Fresh Condoms to instill the thought that it's what they should do.
I kept on working on this here and there, then one day I was watching a major news network.
They announced their will be a couple on next
that claim they invented a product to cut down on aids in Africa. I waited till the commercial was over.
It turned out to be a coffee flavored condom. That was a hell of a claim to a nation lying on its deathbed.
That was the final push to polish up my invention and now I am contacting your company.
Now I am making the same claim. This is an old idea about forty years ago.

Product Concerns
A. The World Health Organization and African Health Minister have yet to announce that it now takes 2 condoms.
Both partners must now wear a condom. We have been waiting for this announcement since the first year a woman's condom
became available to the market. Is it negligence on their part? I believe it is. And in order for the
Center of Disease Control to make this statement there must be a official study which make take a year or more. If they made this
announcement when the first female condom was produced, more women would be wearing condoms and these kits
would be easier to market.

B. Consumers might get confused about which condom is which and try to put on the wrong condom (men or woman's)
Until we can come up with condoms that can be visually distinguishable between male and female, we might have to
make the male condom blue and the female condom white or crystal clear. Also, manufacturers
must come together and decide what constitutes as a kit or trio and should always put the male condom first
in the packet and then the female. If other manufacturers put the female condom first, then consumers will
get confused on which one is theirs.

C. When we refer to a woman's condom, it is the one that has a distinguishable extra wide lip. It must work
this way (you put the man's condom on, then the man puts the woman's condom on him,
folds over the excess and the man inserts
the condom in the woman and then he uses the lubricant

D. A crystal-clear condom might be a goal. Visual may be everything.

E. What happens if they use the towelettes as toilet tissue? Thats great. Look at it this way,
they have their pants down and a condom in their hand.

Email: contact@stayfreshcondoms.com